Donors Just Want to Have Funds
Well, really EVERYONE could use some more funds. But for your donors, it's important to be able to keep track of where they would like to direct their support. And in this release, we made it easier than ever for your donors to do that.
Now, you can allow donors to search for and select a fund on your donation page:
But we didn't stop there. Now, you can allow donors to select additional funds, and divide up their gift however they might like. When editing a donation page, on the "Setup" step, you can select the "Presentation" tab when configuring a donation page for multiple funds and choose to have your funds display in a searchable list or in a fixed grid view.
We've also added the ability to allow donors to add a personal note for each fund they select. This is especially helpful for any organizations where staff may be raising their own support, as donors can address personal comments directly to the staff member they are supporting.
When editing your donation page settings, look for the option to "Allow donors to include a note with each fund" and select "Yes" to offer this option.'re not going to believe this, but WE'RE NOT DONE! While we've offered the ability to select a fund by including it as a url parameter, now you can also select a "featured" fund via a custom url for pages that support donors giving to multiple funds! You can learn more about working with url parameters in this article.
And OK...just one more: now, we support defining custom fund groups, and even hiding some funds from being searched on your donation pages, by adding custom metadata to your funds. You can learn more about defining these parameters in this article right here.
Stealth Mode
OK, well maybe this isn't as cool as "stealth mode" (actually, what would that be, anyway?) but it's something that's been a popular request: now, you can offer donors the option of donating anonymously on a donation page.
Note that donors will still need to provide their contact details in order to process their transaction. But their gift will be flagged as "anonymous." Some CRM integrations will still send donor information to the integrated CRM, but where possible these gifts will be flagged as private or anonymous gifts, depending on the system.
Smarter Smarty Streets
Go ahead, say that five times fast. We dare you!
We've upgraded our Smarty Streets address verification integration to support Pro and Basic plans.
If you are already using Smarty Streets, you won't have any action needed at this time. If you have just signed up for a Smarty Streets account, then you can generate your API key and just select the correct plan when configuring the integration.
We're Listening
Avid readers of our release notes (there have to be SOME, right?) may recall that in January, we strengthened our partner ship with Stripe as part of their SCA program. Well, that has allowed us to continue strengthening our integration with Stripe, specifically, listening for additional webhooks to report on more post-donation events and activity from Stripe. Stay tuned for more Stripe developments!