Why would you need to populate the email address with a random/fake email address? Because RaiseDonors uses the email address as the "key" to matching new donations with existing donors. And if you use the same fake email address over and over - it can lead to data being overwritten. You can learn more about why RaiseDonors requires a unique email for donors here.
If your team is using the Virtual Terminal feature of RaiseDonors, the ability to auto generate a random/fake email address is already built in! There is nothing for you or your team/call-center to do.
If that solution doesn't work for you then we have this custom javascript solution. With this javascript snippet, you can automate the creation of email addresses using the donors first and last name.
You can take this template and place it inside any of the campaign pages inside RaiseDonors.
var suffix = '-noemail@email.com'; var firstName = document.getElementById('cphDonationForm_txtFName'); var lastName = document.getElementById('cphDonationForm_txtLName'); var email = document.getElementById('cphDonationForm_txtEmail'); function makeFakeEmail() { var fakeEmail = firstName.value + lastName.value + suffix; email.value = fakeEmail; } firstName.addEventListener('keyup', makeFakeEmail); lastName.addEventListener('keyup', makeFakeEmail);