Once you've created products, you'll want to make them available as an incentive offer to your donors. In RaiseDonors, you have the option to make one or more products available to a donor on a donation page.
- In the Page Builder, go to the "Setup" step.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see the question: "Does this page include an incentive offer?".
- Select "Yes".
- This will open a section with three tabs: Products, Options, and Presentation.
Select a Product
In this tab you will select which Product(s) to make available to your donor on this page. The text box is searchable, so if you have a lot of Products — just start typing the name of the Product and the list will filter for you.
Add Selected Product
Once you've found the product, make sure to click the "Add Selected Product" button to add it to your page.
Sort Order
If you have multiple Products on your page, simply drag and drop the products into the order you would like them to appear on your donation page.
Remove a Product
If you add a Product, but then decide to remove it—simply click the red "x" button to delete it from your page.
Allow donor to opt-out of receiving a product?
You can optionally provide the option for the donor to bypass requesting a gift and simply make a donation.
Opt-out description
If you choose to provide donors with the option to opt-out of receiving a product, you can provide customized wording to let them know that they have this option.
Please select where products may be shipped
You may determine which countries you will ship your product to. If the donor attempts to pay with a billing address from a country you do not ship to, the donation form will prompt them to enter an alternate shipping address to a country that you do ship to.
Remove the "Product Section" on the donation page if there is only one product.
When you add product(s) to your page, a new section will appear on the donation form that lists product options to your donor. If you are only offering a single product, you have the option to remove this section from the form.
Select which details to display
You have the option to select which properties of the Product to display on the Page.
- Product Long Name
- Product Short Name
- Product Code
- Product Description
- Product Image
If you choose to only display the Product Long Name or the Product Short Name, the donation page layout will adjust to optimize the use of screen space on your donor's device.