A Project in RaiseDonors is WHERE the donation goes--the destination! Projects are specific initiatives that you are raising money for. Every donation that comes through a RaiseDonors donation page must be associated with a Project. By default, your RaiseDonors account is configured with a "Default" Project and a "Covers Processing Fees" project.
Here are a few of the properties available to use with each project:
- Name: This is the name of the project, visible to everyone (internal and external). You are able to use any alpha-numeric value up to 150 characters.
- Code: This can be used however you wish; common uses include the GL code or an internal reference number. The code is not always publicly visible and will be used heavily with integrations to external systems. This can be any alpha numeric value up to 100 characters. By default, RaiseDonors requires every code to be unique. You can have projects with identical names, but the codes must all be globally unique.
- Description: Provides insights and clarity on the purpose of the project. You can also include information with download links, HTML, and information that would be helpful to describe this project. The description has a max character limit of 3,000.
- Active: Projects may come and go, but you don't want to delete a project. Best practice is to mark it as inactive. Doing so keeps the project alive and maintains all of the donations allocated towards it, but additional donations cannot be placed towards this project.
- Sort Order: You can specify the sort order of projects when they are displayed in a list. Lower values (ie: 0 or -100) are at the top (ie: first) and larger numbers are lower (ie: last), in ascending order.
- Image: You can upload an image to be associated with a project to give context to the project and help provide a visual element. The image is used on the donation page when configured to display multiple projects and only one project can be selected.
- Email Address: Every project can have email addresses assigned to it. When a donation is successfully completed for a project, all email addresses provided for the project will be sent an email - indicating that this specific project has received a donation.
- Meta data: Projects can hold meta data which is a list of key/value pairs. Common examples may include location, age, gender, etc. You can be very creative and store any data points to the project which can also be visible to the donor in the donor portal. The donor portal can be customized to display specific meta data to help the donor better understand how their recurring schedules are allocated to projects. There are several specific meta keys reserved by RaiseDonors.
- public-api.isprivate: Is used to determine if this project is included in results from the public API endpoint to query projects. This is very helpful when you desire to hide projects from being returned to public facing features, like our free widgets.
- rd.groupname: In the searchable drop down list interface for projects, if you supply a value for this reserved meta key, any projects sharing this GroupName, will be grouped together and indented under the group heading.
- rd.addtoname: When this meta key is present, it will combine its value with the Project.Name property. Yielding a result of, Project.Name = Project.Name + Project.Meta[RD.AddToName]
Once you've set up your project, you're well on your way to accepting donations! Read about more project options here