Here is a list of the tokens you can use in RaiseDonors. This can used in the custom layout for the donor portal or on any public donation page.
Fund Property | Token | Comment. |
Image | REPLACE_FUND_IMAGE | This will be the full/raw URL. Be sure to place this inside of HTML image tags. |
Name | REPLACE_FUND_NAME | The name of the fund. |
Code | REPLACE_FUND_CODE | The code of the fund. |
IsActive | REPLACE_FUND_IS_ACTIVE | True/False value, is the fund active? |
Description | REPLACE_FUND_DESCRIPTION | Content from the description field. |
Date Created | REPLACE_FUND_DATECREATED | Date/Time the fund was created. This will be in UTC. |
Last Modified | REPLACE_FUND_LASTMODIFIED | Date/Time the fund was last modified. This will be in UTC. |
Sort Order | REPLACE_FUND_SORTORDER | The value for the sort order. |
Allocation Amount | REPLACE_FUND_ALLOCATION_AMOUNT | In some instances, a fund is allocated to a payment object (donation, recurring schedule, etc). In those cases, this will display the amount (with currency). |
Meta keys | REPLACE_FUND_META[{key-name}] | Replace "{key-name}" with the name of the meta item, and this will display it's value. If you have a meta field of "Gender" and it's value of "Male", you'd use this, REPLACE_FUND_META[Gender] And the system will insert "Male". If a key does not exist in the list of meta items, an empty string will be displayed. |