Onboarding the call center
If you partner with a call center, please know that RaiseDonors is available to provide training and onboarding to get your vendor onboard and familiar with RaiseDonors.
There are built-in tools within the platform that can help bridge the gap of data between RaiseDonors and your vendor.
Report Builder - we can help build specific reports for your vendor.
API - we can help provide or guide specific integration needs.
Webhooks - we can help provide or guide custom notifications to the vendor.
To get started, drop us an email at help@raisedonors.com and introduce us to your vendor.
Parameters are included on all transactions so that reports can be created to track revenue from specific admins. For call centers, this will allow for valuable reporting on each individual admin and overall reports related to the call center.
Managing call center agents
RaiseDonors already allows the creation of admin users in the system along with custom permissions per user. This allows you to invite other admins to help manage RaiseDonors. With respect to call centers, you may want to restrict the access that agents have within the RaiseDonors administrative area. Here is the common configuration we recommend:
Customized access permissions
Pages - No Access
Transactions, Data, and Export - View & Edit
Projects - No Access
Account Settings - No Access
- It’s often advisable to select one key person at the Call Center (manager) who is responsible for managing all other Call Center operators.
Managers may need “View & Edit” access to the Account Settings so that they can manage call center agents (add/edit/remove as needed).
If a call center agent needs access to multiple RaiseDonors accounts, please send an email to help@raisedonors.com with the name of the requested RaiseDonors organization they need to be associated with. A verification with the organization may be required before approving.
Adding scripts for call center admins
The Virtual Terminal can be configured to provide scripts for reading to call center agents. Using the "Welcome Content" feature along with including scripts on specific pages in RaiseDonors, the experience should be capable of being scripted from start to finish.

Organizations can work with call centers to find the desired workflow that minimizes call time and costs. RaiseDonors recommends the following format as a good starting place:
Provide consistent internal naming conventions for pages
If your organization has many active pages, the call center agent may have difficulty locating the appropriate page during the call. For this reason, use the "internal" name to segment those pages that are specific to call centers.
- For example, if your call center vendor name is "ABC Calls", consider including "ABC" in the internal name of the page. For example, if the page is called "Spring Campaign", make the internal name, "Spring Campaign - ABC". This will enable the call center operator to filter results by typing "ABC" when they are looking up the page the donor wants to respond to.
- Consider archiving pages no longer in use
Provide tools for admins to access within the "Welcome Content"
Common FAQ's
Links to other internal systems
Create reports that can be reviewed regularly
Using the reporting tool, you can easily track information about all the donations processed via your call center vendor.
Review these processes regularly
RaiseDonors collects a lot of rich information specific to donations and donors. Included in this will be meta data specific to call center donations. It’s helpful to review donations placed on behalf of call centers, RaiseDonors has built in tools that enable you to quickly see that data.
Create a report
Go to the report builder
Add relevant fields of information for your reporting needs
For example, add Donation -> "Virtual Terminal Place By Name”. This field will provide the name of the call center operator placing the donation on behalf of the donor
Include a “filter"
Filter out donations to show only those made via the virtual terminal.
Add Donation -> Is Virtual Terminal -> Is True
Add a timeframe so only relevant data is returned.
Add Donation -> DateCreated -> _______
- Include a “schedule"
- Optionally schedule the report to be emailed to you and/or anyone on your team.
Fraudulent activity
RaiseDonors has business rules in place that monitor activity in every organization to determine when fraudulent activity may be occurring. Because of the structure of call centers, it’s possible that call centers receiving a high volume of transactions at once may experience higher than normal thresholds of perceived fraudulent activity.
For this reason, if a donation is initiated from the Virtual Terminal, the built-in fraudulent monitoring tools are adjusted and should not place any blocks against a call center IP address.
When a donor doesn't have an email address
Every gift in RaiseDonors requires an email address. So what do you do when a donor doesn't have or doesn't want to provide an email address?
Well first things first–you do not want to just make up a fake email that you use over and over again. The reason being is that RaiseDonors uses a donor's email as the unique identifier for donors. So if you try to use a fake email like "noemaildonor@noemaildonor.com" over and over again... you'll end up overwriting your donor data... over and over again. Not good!

The good news is that the Virtual Terminal has the ability to generate a unique, "fake" email. When using the Virtual Terminal to place a donation, donation pages include a checkbox that provides the ability to create a unique, "fake" email that will allow you to complete the transaction without overwriting any donor data.
Virtual Terminal + Vortx integration
The Virtual Terminal can work hand-in-hand with the integration between RaiseDonors and Vortx. When an administrator logs into RaiseDonors, they are simultaneously logged into the appropriate Vortx store.
This allows admins to view the Vortx purchase history directly in the RaiseDonors interface. It also allows the admin to switch over to the Vortx interface and look up data and complete orders on behalf of the customer.
One known issue with Vortx: if an admin uses the "impersonate" feature in Vortx, it will log them out of Vortx and they will need to log in again for the next call. This is a bug within the Vortx system that has been reported and is being addresses.