In RaiseDonors you can include Incentive Offers (often called Premium Offers) with a donation. An Incentive Offer is typically a product (a book, DVD, download, etc) that you offer to send your donor in exchange for a donation.
Incentive offers are a strategic tool for attracting prospective donors to visit your page to learn about your organization and, of course, incentivizing them to take the next step and donate.
How to include an incentive offer with your donation page
First, you'll need to create the incentive on the Products tab. Select +New Product and follow the instructions on screen.
Then, in the "Setup" step of the Page Builder, one of the options on the page is "Incentive Offer". When activated, you can then select the tab "Options"
Allow donor to opt-out of receiving a product
By selecting yes, the donor can then choose to not receive the gift. If you select no, they will not be given that option.
Allow Incentive Offer to be Shipped Outside the United States
By selecting "Yes", donors with billing or shipping addresses outside the United States will be allowed premiums to be shipped to their addresses.
If you select "No", then donors with addresses outside the United States will still be allowed to make a donation, but they will be prompted to provide a different shipping address.
You can then also select the Presentation Tab. From this tab you will be able to make some decisions about how the offer is displayed on your page.
Remove The "Product Section" on the page if there is only one product-
This allows you to customize how this item will appear on the page, including the title of the area it appears.
Select which details to display
Here, you can decide what information about the product you want visible to your donors.