The page builder allows for custom Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) modifications. This is a very powerful feature which allows you to have full, granular control over the design, layout and presentation of the donation page.
Custom CSS should be used for a specific page and that page only. If you find you are making the same CSS updates to multiple pages (or all pages) - you should consider using the Global CSS feature.
Navigate to the Page Builder, select any page and then click on the Design tab.
At the bottom of the Design tab is the check box to enable custom CSS. When supplying CSS, please ensure to also include the opening and closing style tags. This CSS will be placed in the <head> section of the page. If you are using the Global CSS features, the Global CSS will be applied to the page before these custom style tags.
Global Javascript & CSS
In addition to providing custom CSS in the page builder you can also provide Global CSS that will be applied to every page. It is OK to have scripts in both the Global and Page Builder locations - so long as they do not conflict with each other.
You can access the Global Javascript settings by navigating to the admin area of RaiseDonors and clicking on Pages & Notifications -> Page Options -> Global Javascript & CSS.
Global CSS does not apply to the donor portal at this time.