To utilize the Passive Approach to migrating recurring data, log in to your RaiseDonors account and complete the steps below by navigating to Account Settings > Payment Providers > Recurring Donations.
1: Enable "Recurring Donations"
In the Recurring Payments section, toggle to activate "Recurring donations". Donors will now be able to make their gift recurring.

2: Enable "Import scheduled recurring donations"
In the Recurring Payments section, toggle to activate "Import scheduled recurring donations". RaiseDonors will import all of the future transactions that occur related to the recurring donation.
3: Enable "Import pre-existing recurring donations"
Once you've activated step 2, you'll get an additional option. Toggle to activate "Import pre-existing recurring donations". This will allow RaiseDonors to recognize and 'link' any existing schedules that were made outside of RaiseDonors.
4: Select a default Project
The gateway doesn't capture the attribution data so RaiseDonors needs to know where to attribute these unique donations. And because all donations are required to be assigned to a Project, this field MUST be identified for your integration to succeed.

Example time!
When Leslie Knope gives a $50 monthly gift (to occur on the 15th of every month), a new schedule will be created at the gateway and a new schedule object will be created in RaiseDonors. Her first donation will occur today and a recurring schedule will be created at the gateway. Next month on the 15th, the gateway will charge another $50. By enabling "Import scheduled recurring donations" -- RaiseDonors is asking the gateway to report back about that transaction (if it was approved or declined). When this internal report occurs, the donation will be imported into RaiseDonors allowing you to send email acknowledgements, update giving history, integrate with your CRM, etc.