To report on your donation page, first navigate to the Reports page in RaiseDonors.
Click + New Report to build a custom report.
Start by customizing your report with a name and description.
The first selections you'll be making will be the types of data that will be included in the finished report. Click + Add Data to select the values you'd like to report on.
Scroll through the different sections to find the value's you'd like to include in your report. Click here to review the RaiseDonors vocab list :)
The available sections are:
- Donation (data around a specific transaction)
- Donor (data around a specific donor)
- In Honor Memory Of (data around specific tribute information)
- Recurring Donation Profile (data around a specific recurring gift and its schedule).
Once you've selected a value, it will appear on the bottom of the list. Select the grab handles on any value to rearrange them in the order you'd like your results to show. You can also rename the display name of any value by typing over the existing name in the column marked "Title".