Are you unsure if a donation successfully integrated with your CRM and/or email system? RaiseDonors has the power to integrate with a variety of different systems for every donation.
There are several situations that can trigger an integration to an outside system. Those are:
- New Donation (one-time)
- New Recurring Donation
- Instance of a recurring donation
- Update recurring profile
- Stop recurring profile
- Write a note on a donor account
- Update donor information
- Refund or Void a donation
We've created a dashboard that gives you a holistic overview of every donation's integration. Log into your account in RaiseDonors to check it out by selecting the "?" icon in the top-right corner and selecting "Integration Dashboard".
The check boxes in the top left will list the integrations currently enabled in your account. Place a check mark in the integrations you'd like to see information on (you can select more than one).
Next you can select the status. Here's a glossary of the status' provided:
Integration is in our queue, attempting to start for first time.
Integration succeeded on first attempt.
Failed Open
These are integrations that have failed and need to be addressed.
Failed Fixed
Integration that has previously failed (one or multiple times), but has been fixed and is currently successfully completed.
Return all donations and show their status.
Older donations may also have the following discontinued status':
No integration needed at this time. (this is an old status that is not currently used. You may see it on older donations).
Completed Fixed
Verified success of a previously failed integration.
In the table that is returned, you'll see some helpful information. The table will include the date of the donation along with the integration name. If you'd like to view details of the integration, you can click the last column, "DonationID", which will take you directly to the donation page. From the donation page, you can click the "Integrations" tab and see all of the details regarding the integration.