RaiseDonors allows more than one payment gateway to be connected to your account. If for any reason, you need to remove a Stripe gateway, please follow the instructions below.
But first, there are a few limitations to note:
- Inside RaiseDonors, you will no longer be able to refund donations placed through this Stripe account.
- Any recurring schedules created through this Stripe account will continue to exist inside Stripe and perform charges as configured in the schedule. Admins and donors will not be able to modify these schedules from within RaiseDonors.
- If this is the only payment gateway connected to your account, you will not be able to remove the Stripe account. At least one payment gateway is required for your RaiseDonors account.
Disconnect Steps
In RaiseDonors select the drop-down menu in the top right corner. Select "Manage Account" from the available options. This will take you to a new page.
Once there, select "Payment Providers" from the available list under "Managed Account on the left-hand side of the screen.
Select the "Edit" button for the Stripe gateway you wish to remove.
On the next page, scroll to the bottom and click the red "Remove this Gateway" button. This will take you to a summary screen.
After Disconnecting Stripe Account
Review any pages currently using this payment gateway. If an active page is using this Stripe account, you'll be asked how you wish to handle this. You can either...
- Un-publish the related pages
- Change the assigned payment gateway to another active payment gateway
Next, review the active recurring schedules created through this Stripe account and understand the effect removing Stripe will have on the listed schedules.
Next, review the donations created through this Stripe account and understand the effect removing Stripe will have on the listed donations.
Lastly, type the word "DELETE" into the box to confirm this is a permanent and un-doable action. Click "DELETE GATEWAY" to complete this operation.