RaiseDonors has two attributions used for tracking marketing efforts. These are called "source code" and "motivation code". You can read all about it to get an understanding of how these attributes can be used in powerful ways.
Aegis has designed their system to support three attributions to track marketing efforts. These "keys" are defined as:
- Origin Source - associated with the donor, and is set one time.
- Appeal Code - what appeal/motivation caused this donor to convert?
- Segment Code - which segment did this donor come from?
The attributions from Aegis can be used in RaiseDonors as follows:
- Origin Source - use the URL parameter "sc".
- Appeal Code - use one of the following url parameters "mc", "appeal-code", "appeal". All three work for the appeal code, and only one needs to be present in the URL. This means if you have been using "mc", you can continue using "mc" for the appeal code. But you could also swap out "mc" for "appeal" and achieve the same result. Just don't use both "mc" and "appeal" at the same time.
- Segment Code - Use one of the following url parameters "segment-code", "segment". Both work for the segment code, and only one needs to be present in the URL.
Only the Origin Source code and the Appeal code can be configured as default values in the page editor. The Segment code can only be provided via the URL from which the donor donates through.