December 2018
- bug fix with volume pricing metrics and reporting.
- fix bug with Stripe integration - limiting input for meta data to 500 char limit.
- Aegis export is now more intelligent to prevent duplicate and over-run situations.
- better volume pricing metrics and reporting.
- MPX integration now sends media code on order master, gift master, and media code file.
- update mpx integration to support - exporting specific donation ids.
- fix bug deleting test donations on admin/dashboard-adminimpersonate.aspx
- add original RAW url to donation page
- fix issue in page editor - with premium offers
- fix virtual terminal handler not using white label domain
- Aegis integration properly saves and displays two new payment types, CC_Recurring
and ACH_Recurring - Update WYSIWYG editor in page editor
- UX edits to page editor
- UX updates to Reports, Webhooks, and API areas.
- Virtual Terminal UX updates and speed improvements.
- bug fix with donor covers processing fee
- progress bar & thermometer updates
- improved support for white-label customers
- MPX integration update to support larger lnkRef numbers
- Donor portal now shows friendly error message with instructions if donor updates his/her email address to an email address that already exists.
- Improve activity notes for CRM exports.
- Google Analytics integration now supports multiple script tags
- You can now manually set the status of an activity in the integration.
- 404's are now beautiful and fully customizable by you!
- White-Label customers can now have the root sub-domain direct to a specific landing page.
November 2018
- CRM integrations now support sending updates from Donor Portal into CRM.
- Admins can now delete donors
- Aegis update—comments are now included with integration
- URL link appends now support phone numbers
- improvements with donation page load time
- improve fund designations with recurring schedules, edits are now logged as activities.
- phone numbers are now universally formatted
- speed improvements through system
- improvements with PTC gateway recurring gifts - using newer technology
October 2018
- Ability to prepopulate amounts on donation page with multiple funds.
- custom content on donor portal login page
custom tab and content inside donor portal
Virtuous integration now supports gift designation information
page editor updates
implement caching for donation page
implement APM monitoring
September 2018
- Print css for thank you and confirmation donation page
- update service to sync virtuous id's with raisedonors ids
- fix recurring imports for declined donations
- fix bug with reporting donor total giving
- improve Stripe test modes
- fix donor log in bug
- fix bug with global javascript
- fix bug on donation page - organization logo being clickable
- updates to pages
- donor portal better supports military addresses
- add scripts to enable modal asking for recurring
- fix issue with gateway service catching duplicate transactions
- fix issue pulling large volume of recurring transactions from ptc
- remove isTaxable from virtuous integrations
- build out import scripts
- fix bug in page editor, saving state to display or hide fund names on receipts
- ensure crm integrations ignore deleted donations
- add ability to pause account
- include IHMO in verbose notes to Virtuous
- Release new webhook features
- Release new integration with Vortx
- supports importing store orders into donor portal and admin portal
- supports universal authentication
- supports account information two-way synchronization
- Update API endpoints
- Add new API endpoints
- move service queues to Redis
- fix bug with # of visitors on dashboard
- misc mvc improvements
June 2018 (Charlie)
- Update API endpoints and documentation.
- Set recurring starting date to default to today's date (ie: 27th).
- UX improvements to Funds page when large number of funds are present.
June 2018 (Beta)
- Virtuous CRM—Distinguish between ACH/EFT in Donor Portal History.
- Add new end points to API for recurring schedules.
- Update report builder logic to include updates to recurring schedules.
June 2018 (Alpha)
- Virtuous CRM—add card brand to integration.
- Feature - RaiseDonors now supports multiple gateways!
- Bug fix— In Honor/Memory of issue on public donation page
- Bug fix—thank you page not displaying logo
- Bug fix—accurately displaying stats and data on page report.
- Feature—can now turn specific page on for test mode instead of whole account being in test mode.
May 2018 (Alpha)
- Bug—fix funds page to summarize only approved, successful donations.
- Feature—CVV can now be marked as required or not required when enabled.
- Feature—Support for global javascript (donation page, thank you page) and CSS across all active donation pages.
- SEO work
- Update Stripe integration to better handle failing calls (webhooks)
- Remove unneeded code (reporting) from web-app, moved to API
- Ability for all admins to control next charge date when editing recurring schedules.
April 2018 (Beta)
- New Feature - donation page can now display ALL funds at once and allow donor to pick one to donate towards.
- Bug fix with PTC recurring pushing donation iterations into donors without a billing address.
- Updates to API to allow for submission of donations.
- API now has official documentation!
- Hotfix for Virtuous ID sync, now uses ContactID instead of ContactIndividualID.
- Drop McAfee Seal and use GoDaddy SSL Seal on page
- Must accept terms and conditions with new accounts
- New Feature - Staff can be notified when a recurring schedule is terminated or created.
- Bug fix with elastic DB's not being added to elastic pool.
- Donation page UX updates.
- Bug fix, ensure deleted user can't log into donor portal.
- YourCause, ability to edit pledge ID when editing recurring schedule in RD.
- Fix bug with Virtuous donor portal history.
- Fix bug with funds and designations in YourCause integrations.
April 2018 (Alpha)
- Virtuous integration now syncs Virtuous Contact ID into RaiseDonors via schedule.
- PTC recurring pull now includes "Comments" custom field.
- User feedback on Password reset.
- Fix password update issue in Donor Portal.
- Bug fix with comma in donation amount on safari.
- Update FTP logs to contain more info for logs.
- Cosmetic updates to Export page, donor page, Campaigns, Funds, Merchant.
- Virtuous integration now supports formatting of country and state names.
- Virtuous integration now supports Organization vs Individual giving.
- Virtuous integration now send correct refund date for refunded donations.
- SSL seal shield now from McAfee
- Reporting tool now supports searching for IsNullOrIsEmpty
March 2018
- Updates and bug fixes for Reporting tool.
- Update to Virtuous integration for 'PassThroughContactId'.
- Bug fix with organization url in donor portal.
- Add feature to include page name or fund name(s) for recurring profiles so that donors and admins know what the recurring gift is towards.
- Add feature to carry url parameters from donation page—forward to thank you page.
- update donor search to include CRM keys.
- bug fixes with regeneration of donation receipts.
- new logic for donor matching in OLOD (YC) CRM integration. Now supports many more criteria for matching.
- bug fix with SalesForce CRM integration - no longer sends empty xml nodes (data) to SF. This used to cause errors.
- Add feature to SalesForce CRM integration - to now support Campaign object integrations. And to do real-time look up of campaign ID using the RD's Campaign ID being stored in a custom field in SF.Campaign object.
- Rewrite Virtuous integration to use cleaner and newer HMAC authentication.
- Bug fix - update logic to determine when to show 'resend receipt' link in donor portal.
- Match incoming donation to existing donor logic has been updated to not overwrite RD data with empty data coming from gateway.
- Bug fix editing donor notes.
- Bug fix PTC ACH recurring schedule - making an update on ACH schedule would clear all custom fields in PTC.
- Bug fix with email suppression. If donor updates email address, remove email suppression.
- Add email suppression note to donor portal.
- update OLOD integration to include more commenting in integration notes.
- Bug fix with PTC recurring donation import - to look at tender type (cc/ach) for contact information and email address - if email address is not present in custom field designation.
February 2018
- Release Reporting tool!
- Update to Virtuous integration for Anonymous donations.
- Bug fix with mail service—setting reply-to.
- Improvement to media feature—show all by default if all options are set to always be visible.
- Improvement to set comments from url parameter.
- Improvement to Sales Force integration—get Account.ContactID for integration values.
- Improvement to Virtuous integration—now supports refunds.
- Bug fix when editing ACH recurring schedules.
January 2018
- Support for importing donors - to show account without donations.
- Marketing updates.
- Manual ability to resend invoice.
- Assign specific fund to capture processing fee, new feature.
- Introduce pagination for pages, funds, and page editor.
- Update to Aegis integration, to limit field lengths.