If you are working with a number of clients that are using RaiseDonors and you have access to their accounts within RaiseDonors, you have the ability to switch between accounts without logging in and out.
Switching Between Client Accounts
If you have access to multiple RaiseDonor accounts, you can easily switch between them with a few clicks. First, click the small "gear" in the top right corner, and then click on "change account". A pop up with a drop down will allow you to pick the account you'd like to go to.
Two important notes regarding switching accounts:
1. It's best to navigate to your dashboard before switching accounts. This helps because you're going from one common page to another common page (the dashboard in Client A's account to the dashboard in Client B's Account) as opposed to hoping the page you're on matches an ID in both accounts.
2. If you are using a link from an email or bookmark, you will see the data from the account you're currently in. For example: You are in Client A's account and want to see something you've bookmarked while in Client B's account. If you click on a link while in Client A's account, it will load data from Client A. For this example you'd need to switch to Client B's accounts to see data for Client B.