When it comes to reporting on the data that lives in RaiseDonors there's a few terms that you'll see that are a bit specific - to help you to feel confident with the data you're reporting on, we've defined a few of the terms that you might see!
Donation Terms
Data regarding a specific transaction
Ach Acct Type: Indicates checking, savings, etcAch Routing Num: The routing number associated with the ACH payment
Amount: The donation amount determined by project splits
Authorization Number: Alphanumeric string indicating the authorization of the donation
Campaign Name: The internal page name that the donation is associated with
Card Brand: Indicates, Visa, Discover, Amex, etc
Cc Expiry Date: Expiration date [Ex. Sep-23 which translates to September 2023]
Comment: Comments entered at time of donation
Date Created: The date that the donation was made [Ex. 4/17/21 17:55 which translates to April 17, 2021 at 5:55pm]
DonationID: The unique ID number associated with each donation in RaiseDonors
Donor Covers Processing Fee Amount For Donation: The initial donation not including the fee
Donor Covers Processing Fee Amount For Fee: The fee not including the initial donation
Donor Covers Processing Fee Percentage: The percentage used to indicate the fee amount
Donor Covers Processing Fee Selected: True or False. If true, then the related "Donor Covers Processing Fee" definitions will be filled out. If false, the related definitions will be "0"
Donor Id: The unique ID number associated with each donor in RaiseDonors
Gateway Id: The unique ID number associated with each payment gateway
Gateway Nickname: The internal name associated with each payment gateway
Gateway Trans Details: The transaction details from the Gateway provider [Ex. approved, succeeded, error, etc]
Gateway Vendor: Indicates Stripe or Authorize.net
In Honor Memory Of Id: The unique ID number associated with each dedication
Is Anonymous: Indicates a donation made anonymously
Is Premium: Indicates that the donation includes an incentive offer/product
Is Recurring: Indicates either a one time or a recurring donation
Last Modified: Indicates the last date and time the donation was modified
Last4: Indicates the last 4 digits of the credit card
Motivation Code: The motivation code associated with the donation
Payment Tender Type: Indicates the type of payment [Ex. credit card or ACH)
Premium Code: The code associated with a premium
Premium Name: The name of the premium
PremiumFMV: The Fair Market Value of the premium
Raw Url: The raw URL associated with a donation, this includes embedded indicators like project name, motivation, source, etc
Receive Updates GDPR Compliant: Indicating a donor that has subscribed to this method
Receive Updates Via Email: Indicating a donor that has subscribed to this method
Receive Updates Via Postalmail: Indicates a donor that has subscribed to this method
Receive Updates Via Telephone: Indicates a donor that has subscribed to this method
Refunded Amount: The donation amount that was refunded to the donor
Status: The donation status - approved or declined
Transaction Id: The unique ID number associated with each donation's specific transaction in RaiseDonors
Donor Terms
Data regarding a specific donor
Date Created: The date that the donor record was made [Ex. 4/17/21 17:55 which translates to April 17, 2021 at 5:55pm]
Is Deleted: Indicates if the donor record has been deleted
Is Locked Out: Indicates if the donor has been locked out of the donor portal
Last Login: Indicates the donor's last login to the donor portal
Last Login: Indicates the donor's last login to the donor portal
Last Modified: Indicates the last date and time the donor record was modified
Last Modified By: Indicates the last person to modify the donor record
Newsletter Opt In: Indicates if the donor has opted in to receive newsletter communications
In Honor Memory Of Terms
Data regarding specific tribute information
In Honor Of: Indicates this donation is being made in honor or someone
In Memory Of: Indicates this donation is being made in memory of someone
Message: Indicates the message associated with an in honor, or in memory of donation
Name Or Occasion: Indicates the person or circumstances that are being honored
Recurring Donation Profile Terms
Data regarding a specific recurring gift and it's schedule
Amount: The amount of the recurring gift
Frequency: Indicates the frequency of the recurring gift [Ex. monthly, quarterly, etc]
Next Charge Date: Indicates the next expected payment date of the recurring donation
Profile Number: The unique ID number associated with each donors recurring donation profile in RaiseDonors
Start Date: Indicates the start date of the recurring donation
Status: Indicates the status of the recurring donation [Ex. active, terminated, cancelled]