If your organization is just starting with both RaiseDonors and Virtuous, it's possible there isn't any need for data migration. However, if you are migrating large amounts of data into Virtuous - and you need RaiseDonors to interact with those records in Virtuous, this article will provide some clarity and next steps.
Most organizations on-boarding with Virtuous are moving from their old database and thus, will go through a phase to import donors, giving history, and other information into Virtuous. This is a process that Virtuous manages with you.
Once that process is complete, it's necessary to synchronize Virtuous with RaiseDonors. The details are unique to every organization but the core principles are as follows. The data mapping table is helpful to understand how each systems' objects map to the other.
There needs to be a process to import all of the projects from Virtuous into RaiseDonors as Projects. Details on how to import projects can be found here. It's important that only active projects are provided. No need for inactive or archived projects.
There needs to be a process to import all of the contacts from Virtuous into RaiseDonors as Donors. Details on how to import donors can be read here. It's critical to ensure the Virtuous.Contact.Id is included in the import process and stored in the RaiseDonors.Donor.CrmKey.
Only contacts having an email address and who are marked as active are needed. The following fields of information are needed: Fname, Lname, Primary Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Virtuous-contact-id.
Donation History
Usually is no need to import the donation history for each donor. The reason for this is one of the core benefits of the Virtuous integration - is the real-time pull of information in the donor portal. For this reason, donors will always see their complete donation history to your organization even though the complete history has not been imported into RaiseDonors.
Reference Key
After the Contacts have been imported into RaiseDonors, we'll generate an export of the donors and send this to Virtuous. The export only needs two columns,
- RaiseDonors.Donor.Id
- RaiseDonors.Donor.CrmKey (which is the Virtuous.Contact.Id)
Give this to your account rep at Virtuous and they can help you to upload the csv. Only after this file is uploaded to Virtuous, will the donor portal be able to retrieve the full giving history for a donor in the donor portal.