The RaiseDonors integration for Virtuous will allow gifts to flow directly into Virtuous so they can be bundled and imported via the Gift Transaction tool. Let's walk through setting up that integration!
Note: we're integrating the Virtuous integration, not the Virtuous Sync integration. Read more about Virtuous Sync here.
To configure your integration, start in Virtuous. Select "All Settings" page from the "Settings" Primary Navigation menu.
Click on the blue "Create an Application Key" button in the upper-right to add a new application key. Select "RaiseDonors" from the list of options.
Copy the generated application key.
Then login to your RaiseDonors and navigate to Integrations under System Settings. Select the Virtuous icon near to the bottom, activate, and paste your application key in the field.
Once this key has been copied into field, you'll have a few more options to enable in your integration including:
- Hosted Environment: Ensure that the Hosted Environment is Production.
- Include Test Donations: You can check to have RaiseDonors send any test donations to Virtuous.
- Include Verbose Notes: For greater detail, you can check to have RaiseDonors send more information in the notes field on a gift in Virtuous.
- Import full giving history into Donor Portal
- Enable Debug Mode (Note: this will turn off after 48 hours). This will log communication of activity from Virtuous to RaiseDonors to show the full payload of what was sent rather than just basic transaction details in the instance there are any issues in the integration.
- Set Receipt Date: You can optionally, set the Receipt Date to the date of the gift in Virtuous. If you are using the Virtuous receipting tool, leave this un-checked.
- Enable Virtuous Responsive Listener: Learn more about Responsive Listener here.
- Segment Override: Some organizations need to override the original segment value for recurring donation instances with a new value. If that is a need, supply the override value. Otherwise leave this field blank to use the segment value saved with the donation.
- Country and State Format: You can customize how country and state names are sent to Virtuous (ISO3/ISO2/Full Name).
- Other Fields (e.g., Shipping Address, Last 4 of CC, Expiry Date): To include additional details from a RaiseDonors donation in Virtuous, use these fields to map to the corresponding Gift Custom Fields. Ensure that the Gift Custom Field names are a single text string with no spaces, such as 'Google_UTM_Source'.
It's Synced! What Now?
Once your RaiseDonors integration has been configured, you'll want to make sure that each of your giving pages includes Segment Codes and Project Codes that sync with the values already set up in your Virtuous instance. For more on syncing data between Virtuous and RaiseDonors, check out this help article.
As gifts are received, they can be seen in real time on the Gift Transactions page in Virtuous. Gift transactions will be bundled nightly and bundled together into an import file.
These imports will be visible on the Gift and Contact Import page as they are available.