A quick understanding of how the integration with Aegis works, all imports are file-based imports, where RaiseDonors will generate a set of comma-delimited (CSV) files containing the data that needs to be imported into Aegis. These data files get posted to a dedicated FTP folder, where they get picked up automatically by the Aegis application on some pre-determined schedule.
That FTP folder can reside on your server or Aegis', it doesn’t matter. However, if it’s your server, we do require that it is a secure FTP site utilizing SSH or SSL encryption.
Every import consists of 2 required files: the Transaction file and the Details file. These 2 files are related to each other, and they represent a one-to-many relationship, where a single Transaction record can have many related Detail records.
If either file is missing at the time of the import into Aegis, it will fail.
If you'd like to contact Aegis support and request their FTP information - so that RaiseDonors can send its files directly to them, please copy/paste this into an email and send to the support team at Aegis.
Hi Aegis support team,
We are working with the folks at RaiseDonors and they have provided an integration of our donation data into Aegis. They have a few questions I need your help answering to get the integration into Aegis operational.
1) They have expressed that this data needs to be FTP'd to a location @Aegis. Could you kindly do the setup process you need to do internally and also provide me with the FTP connection info? I'll then relay this to the folks at RaiseDonors. I'll need this information from you;
Host: ____
Username: _____
Pwd: ______
Port: ______
Remote Path: ______
2) What frequency would you like RaiseDonors to push data into this FTP location? They have the ability to send the data on any interval using a "cron schedule". They can create the schedule for us (see this help link), but need to know how often & when it should be sent to you.
3) RaiseDonors will generate the files which will be placed on your FTP. There is a template for the naming of these files (transaction & detail). The template loosely follows this protocol,
I need to know what would you like us to use for the {client-name} section of the filenames?
4) Something we've learned regarding the import into Aegis, is we need you to modify the Import Options for the "Segment_Code", to NOT require this field (ie: don't throw an error when this is null/empty.
5) Lastly, could you give me a crash course in how the importing of this data works with Aegis? ie: what new processes do I need to understand? And how do I review this data?
And, just if you're curious, you can see the KB article RaiseDonors has written on how to integrate with Aegis here.
The Transaction File
The Transaction file provides high level information about the transaction itself, including the total amount, donor information, shipping information, etc. Every transaction record must have a unique identifier in the TRANSACTION_ID column. This is the field that will relate to the associated records in the Details file.
The Details File
The Details file provides more specific information about the transaction itself, and can contain any number of records for a single transaction. Every detail record must have a unique identifier in the DETAIL_ID column. The TRANSACTION_ID column relates back to the associated record in the Transaction file.
If you wish to take a deep dive and really get into the nitty gritty, we've attached two files from the Aegis support team (see bottom of this page). These files provide greater detail of how the integration works. Good news is, RaiseDonors is doing all this work for you, but this allows you to see behind the curtains per-se, and understand how everything is working. These files also provide some definitions and/or purpose for each field being provided in the files.