Welcome to the place where you can learn how to configure RaiseDonors to integrate with Fellowship One (F1)!
Step 1
Log into your Fellowship One portal and go to Admin -> Integrations -> Applications.
Scroll down and locate "RaiseDonors". Once located, click on the RaiseDonors link/name.
You need to Grant Access to RaiseDonors to work with your Fellowship One installation.
Once you've granted access, you can move onto Step 2.
Step 2
Log into RaiseDonors and goto your account settings. Click the Integrations Tab. Click Setup For Fellowship One. Supply your church code (you use this to log into F1) and check the box to enable F1.
Click "Enable Fellowship One".
Step 3
You'll be taken to a plain white F1 screen asking you to authenticate. You'll need to provide the username & password you use to log into F1.
After successfully logging in, F1 will ask you to click the big green button, "Allow". Click that button and you're one step closer.
Step 4
You should now be back at RaiseDonor's admin screen with an acknowledgement at the top indicating that F1 is now enabled. Go ahead and go back into the Integrations tab and click on Setup for F1. You can now answer the few questions in our configurations and you're all set!
When a new person is created in F1 from RaiseDonors, what status should they be assigned?
How to handle duplicates?
If RaiseDonors finds multiple matches for a donor in F1, you can indicate how to handle this situation.
1) use oldest record // will find the oldest record and send the donation to it.
2) use newest record // will find the newest record and send the donation to it.
3) Create new record // will create a new record (creating another dup) and send the donation to it.
4) create new record & be notified // will create a new record (creating another possible dup) and send the donation to it. Additionally, RaiseDonors will send an email of this event to any email addresses listed in the following text box.
Last Step
RaiseDonors uses a concept named "projects" which act as accounting buckets to track money. A donation page can be mapped to a single project or to multiple projects.
These projects are closely tied to F1's Projects (Admin -> Giving -> Setup -> Projects).
Go to the Projects page in RaiseDonors and click on the button, "Load Projects from F1". This will import all of the projects from F1 into RaiseDonors. This ensures proper allocation of donations into the appropriate projects in F1.