So, now that you have a basic understanding of how the import works, let's get started.
Log into your account at and go into your account area. From here, click the integrations tab and then click the setup tab for Aegis.
Click the check box to enable the Aegis integration. We've provided a summary of each field below.
How to deliver Aegis Export files?
RaiseDonors can send the files to you via FTP (preferred) or Email. If you select FTP, this could be your FTP server or it could be Aegis's FTP server. We don't have Aegis's FTP info, you'll have to contact them to acquire that, if you choose to proceed that way. If you select email, you'll then need to take the files out of your email and get them to an FTP location manually.
The name of the files which will be emailed or FTP'd to Aegis have very specific guidelines for naming conventions. Without getting into all the nerdy details, this is loosely how the naming conventions will work:
You may desire to have a separate appeal code for recurring donations (not the first donation setting up the recurring profile, but each future iteration). Provide a value here to be used for each future iteration of recurring donations. This value will only be used if the donation does not already have an appeal code associated.
Every page you create in RaiseDonors will ask for a source code. In the rare event a source code isn't captured for a donation, we need a default value, as this is a required field. This value will only be used if a source code is not associated with a donation.
This only relevant to customers utilizing the media module of Aegis and RaiseDonors. If you are not using the media module, you can ignore this field.
Can be any custom value that you choose, indicating the source or channel where the transaction was generated. Common values include: Internet, Mail, and Phone.
Pledge Program Name
Maps to a specific pledge program in Aegis. This field is required for automatic recurring payments. If you choose not to use recurring payments in RaiseDonors, you can leave this field empty.
Approval Code Name
RaiseDonors will leverage the field, "CC_APPROVAL_INFORMATION" in Aegis because we are sending Aegis a donation that has already been charged. To do this, we create an entry in Aegis that typically looks like this: Approval Code: 012345
The "approval code" is text that you can customize, although we recommend you keep it as-is.
Treat Premium as Donation?
A premium is defined as a donation of any amount in exchange for a resource. You may wish for this to be imported into Aegis as a donation with a free resource. If so, your answer to this is "Yes/True".
However, you may desire for this gift to come thru as a true order, and not a donation. If that is the case, you'll want to answer this as "No/False". Keep in mind, the Fair Market Value configured for each SKU is setup in Aegis and will be a factor in the true tax write off for these transactions.
We don't currently leverage this field in RaiseDonors. For the import into Aegis to work successfully, you need to ensure Aegis' import process will accept empty/null values for this field.
Is a free-form optional field. Common values include USPS Standard, UPS 2-Day, etc. This is only applicable if you are using the 'Premiums' feature of RaiseDonors.
Default paymentType for CC
Is a required free form field. Aegis indicates what payment method/type was used for the transaction. When someone pays with a CC through RaiseDonors, what value would you like sent to Aegis? A common value is "CreditCard".
Default paymentType for ACH/EFT
Is a required free form field. Aegis indicates what payment method/type was used for the transaction. When someone pays with an e-check thru RaiseDonors, what value would you like sent to Aegis? A common value is "EFT".
The host name of your FTP server. Example: ftps://some-domain-or-IP
This is how you determine when an export is generated from RaiseDonors and thus, when it will be Emailed/FTP'd out. You have limitless options in how to configure this, please see our article with a few examples here.