Look, any good Boy Scout will tell you, it's best to be prepared. And any good IT professional will tell you that the best way to be prepared is to have a backup. So when it comes to high-volume giving seasons like Giving Tuesday and the end of the year, the best way to be prepared is to have a backup payment provider in place.
You can learn more about the ins and outs of using a backup processor in this article.
For organizations using Virtuous Payments, we recommend setting up a Stripe account to serve as your backup provider. Here's how:
Setting Up a New Stripe Gateway as a Backup
Log in to RaiseDonors and navigate to the Payment providers page in your account settings. There, you will see a link to assign a backup provider for each gateway you have configured.
Just click on the link, and you'll be prompted to create a Stripe gateway.
Click on "Connect with Stripe" and then you'll be able to set up a new Stripe payment gateway. You can refer to the steps in this support article to see how to create a new Stripe account or connect your existing account.
Selecting an Existing Gateway
If you already have a Stripe or other secondary payment gateway, you can select it as your backup gateway. Just navigate to the Payment Providers page, as before, and click to edit the gateway where you'd like to specify a backup. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page, and you'll see the option to set a backup provider.
Click edit, and then select the gateway you'd like to designate as the backup for this gateway. (Gateway inception!)
And then you'll be all set for whatever comes your way!